Deviation (Myung-hyun reaction) during Healing Process


Patients of TBT are asked to be aware of various physical changes (myung-hyun reactions, deviations) that occur during the treatment process until their symptoms are completely cured. The human body responds to medical treatment through what is called the Law of Cure, as explained by Dr. Constantine Hering.

In explaining the intensifying process of diseases, when a chronic disease is being cured, its process goes back the exact same process that the disease had occurred. In other words, “when a human body changes from a ‘state of disease’ to a ‘state of health’ through treatment, the chronic disease disappears and the body regains its normality. In this process, new symptoms occur, and the body experiences a ‘rewinding process,’ which replays the same process that the disease had intensified, backwards.” Dr. Hering explains this as ‘the Law of Cure’ enticed by the ‘Law of Rewinding.‘

When a disease is being cured, the human body finds a way to let the disease out of itself. This process occurs from the top part and downwards to the bottom part of the body and is the exact reverse of how the disease had occurred.

Dr. Lee also states that the Law of Cure applies to most cases of chronic diseases being naturally cured. He calls it a type of physical change, or myung-hyun reaction, and that it is a positive sign that the body’s immune system is being normalized.

However, whereas the myung-hyun response could often be refreshing and comfortable, it could also be very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. In the former case, most patients accept it easily because they think it is a visible result of their current treatment. In the latter case, patients start to question the doctor’s treatment and sometimes even start to lose faith in the doctor. Dr. Hering defines this as “healing crisis,” and that in this crisis patients may feel the urge to stop their treatment.

In this case, the severity of the physical reaction (myung-hyun or deviation) is proportionate to or even greater than that of the disease itself, depending on the progress and intensity of the original disease. Therefore, if patients experience uncomfortable and painful physical response during treatment process, they should recognize this as a ‘healing crisis.’ When patient is in the healing crisis, it is recommended not to hesitate talking about it to the doctor about this and keep up the treatment.

If you are going through TBT and have read this, I believe that you now understand the concept of ‘healing process.’ Especially if your disease is a chronic, painful, or hard-to-cure one, your body will experience a rapid increase in energy in the body, accompanied with major physical changes.

Moreover, as said by Dr. Hering, the healing crisis is a natural phenomenon that occurs as the immune system is being normalized and the spirit and morale of the body fights fiercely fight back the disease. In the same sense as Dr. Hering’s explanation, during the TBT (TMJ Balancing Therapy) treatment process invented by Dr. Lee, patients experience a healing process called ‘deviations.’

As many outside effects accumulate in the body over a long time, the structures of the cranial, spinal, and nervous system gradually collapse. At the same time, many painful diseases and symptoms form. This makes it impossible for the body to recover completely after only a few sessions of simple treatment. Therefore, in order to normalize the physical structure and system, from several dozen to hundreds of gradual treatment sessions can be required depending on the types of symptoms and the intensity of the disease.

In TBT, deviation is defined as ‘every one step toward healing,’ and the ‘correction of the deviation’ as ‘treatment’ or ‘healing.’ In CFM (CerebroSpinal Functional Medicine, whole-body treatment using TMJ) and its treatment (TBT) invented by Dr. Lee, Dr. Hering’s ‘healing crisis’ is explained as ‘the great deviation.’

In short, in cases of chronic and hard-to-cure diseases patients must experience the ‘great deviation’ during treatment every time the energy level of the body increases. The painful symptoms that accompany with the great deviation are positive signs that the disease is being cured. Therefore, for every great deviation, both the patient and the doctor should keep faith in the treatment so that the treatment progresses successfully.

I hope that you now understand the idea of deviations, or myung-hyun reactions, and the great deviations. The more severe your deviations are, the greater your physical changes. However painful, they are only temporary and part of the healing process. Healing crisis, or the great deviations, are to be grateful for ; I hope you take them as an opportunity to have more hope in a healthier you.